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GEnerals Face Off Against Matadors For Final GAme of Regular Season


By Justin King


When you play the game of football as a player, you believe the in game. You believe it is the greatest sport/game ever created. As a fan of the sport, you believe if it is not the greatest game, it is at least top 2. I'm writing this post to talk about the theatrics of the game being just as important. Not too many people take what happens on the field home. Meaning a person who is clipped is not going to beat up the person who clipped them in the store later. Its left on the field and rightly so. However, when players take the game and make it their mission and truly believe that the game is 24/7 someone can get hurt. If you watch football just to watch, you will see that it can get nasty.  Nasty things happen. However to see a quarterback and receiver on the same page is poetry.  To see a running back hit a hole his line have made for him at full speed is magical. To see a big guy doing his dance after a sack is joyous. To see a linebacker read a play before the snap and tackle a back for a loss is great. To see a defensive back read the quarterback's eyes and intercept his pass is amazing. To see a kicker make a game winning field goal as time expires would be a miracle.


Just watching football here in this town is a good thing. We know it is just recreational football but its fun to see the game played by people who just love to play.  I hear a lot of people talking about rivalry. Rivalry or not the game will be good. The game at times will be intense but it is fun to see that passion from regular guys who have jobs and families. Saturday is important for both teams. Gong .500 salvages a bad season. Neither team believes that .500 is great but faced with 3-5 .500 is good. 


On Saturday don't get caught up in what the referee called or did not call. Don't get caught up in the jawing that will happen. Get caught up in 22 men playing with passion on every play.  By now you know who are the who's and what they do, now lets just cheer for the men to play their best and enjoy what happens.


I'm going to be there in the front row and I'm gonna watch the Generals play against the Matadors.  I know you guys agree with me, we are going to watch the Generals beat the Matadors and prove to all they are the best team in Idaho.


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Justin King

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